August 11, 2008

Show Time!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen! Boys and Girls! Dear audience!
Today live, not from the flea circus, but from the buffooneries circus we present to you a show of skill, speed and acrobatics never seen before...
With you Mimi and Tico!

And now while our performers rest, we leave you with the worderfull, the magnificent, the lunatic... Mr.Big!!!

Grrr... This thing makes me crazy... Every time I see it I just want to trash it apart. And I will get it... you will see!

Aha!!! See... faster than a speeding bullet! (That's me!)

Purrr... see you next time!
Big, Mimi and Tico

August 01, 2008

4 and 3 months!!!

Hi guys!!!...
Today we celebrate our 4 months and Tico his three months.
We are grown up, and still doing our pranks around the house.

Purrr... see you next time!
Big, Mimi and Tico