Hi all, no... I didn't go away.
My owners were on vacation and didn't let me write the news to my blog. Well this is the sadness of being a little cat.
My sister and my big pal are ok... they keep doing their crazy stunts, and I keep helping them too!
But that was not the purpose that brought me here today (finally), it was the fact that I am now in fact a model. That's true! My owners took me this weekend to Elvas for my first Show. It was fun, first of all they put me in a "tent" as they call it... more like a mini tent. A cat didn't almost had any space to stretch inside it.
After that they started screaming and my owners grab me out of the tent, and took me to a small table.
I wasn't understanding a bit of it, suddenly the man that was there grabbed me, and started to rise me up in the air, pulling my ears, looking into my mouth... I was there in the tent without doing any harm, and suddenly this, what did I do to deserve this. Humpf!
After this he put me over the table and started writing some papers, and sent me away. Just then I understood, I was being judged to see if I had it all in place, if I was beautiful, with good ears, nice head... all that!
I got an Excellent 1 in my category on day 1, and if it was not for the time it took for the second presentation I could have gone to the "Best In Show".
The second day was almost a remake of day 1, I got 2 Excellent 1 and my owners were all proud of me with the compliments I took. Sadly I can't go to the World Show (25th and 26th Oct. in Lisbon - FIL).
Down here you can se me on day one with Judge Kaai Duplessis, and on day two with Judge Elizabeth Steinhauser.

See you next time!