• Humans and cats have the same brain region used to acknowledge emotions.
• The cats brain is most similar to the humans brain than the dog brain.
• A cat possesses more bones than the humans, while a human has 206 bones, cats have 245.
• Cats have more vertebrae than humans, 30 this is five more than humans.
• Cats have 32 muscles that control the ears. They can spin the ears in an independent way almost 180º, and 10 times faster than any watch dog.
• Cats earing is much more sensitive than mans and dogs one. Their tunneled ears channel and amplify the sounds. They can ear until 65 khz, while humans can only go until 20 khz.
• In comparison to the body, cats are the mammals that have bigger eyes.
• A cat sees 6 times better than a human at night, because he only needs 1/6 the amount of light that the human needs to see. His field of sight is around 185 degrees.
• A cat possesses around 60 to 80 million cells as olfactory sensors, while humans only have between 5 and 20 millions. They also have a special olfactory receptor near the base of mouth. That's why you can see cats opening his mouths when they feel strong odors.
• The cat has a total of 24 whiskers, grouped 4 by 4, are used to measure distances.
• Cats have 30 teethes, dogs have 42.
• Cats move around in the tips of their paws, which have very sensitive receptors that send information to the cats brain.
• A cat can run at a speed of 50 km/h (31 mph)
• Almost 10% of his bones are located in the tail which is responsible for is balance.
• The domestic cat is the only breed that can stand his tail straight up. The tail can also show the cats mood.
• When a cat is frightened, the fur bristles, if he is going to attack only the straight line that follows the spinal cord does it.
• Cats rub their faces in objects and people to leave them their smell, like a signature. The odor is left by a gland that they possess in the back of their faces.
• Females rub their bodies in the males they select for companion. Other cats rub them also but as a sign of friendship to the ones that they consider bigger and stronger... not that they feel inferior to them.
• Cats IQ is one of the bigger ones in the animal kingdom, only exceeded by monkeys and chimpanzees.
• Cats answer better to names ended with the sound "i".
• Cats are very clean creatures, they spend around 30% of their lives cleaning themselves, and when they do it, they spend as much liquid as if they are urinating.
• A cat always falls straight... if he as the time to twist his body in the fall. This is made as a protection to absorb the shock from the fall.
I hope you have enjoyed it...
Purrr... see you next time!
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