It's me again. Now already ...you know... yes! in my new home!
It was a super trip that I did last saturday to my new house with my new owners, where I am going to live for many time!
But I got a surprise for you all!
I will start sharing this space with a friend of mine...
That's because I didn't came alone to my new house :) , I brought my little sister Miranda with me!
Our playing is incredibly crazy, almost insane, specially for our new owners which are as crazy as we are.
We are doing our best to drive our owners insane, but they are strong and keeping up the pace. I don't think they can reach the weekend sane!
We already tried everything running around and jumping on them at 5 am, run away from them when it's time to go to sleep or to groom. It's all a laugh.
Now we are trying to see how we open the doors and drawers to check what's hiding there! I promise to tell you all I see, I won't keep a secret.
Now I leave you with some photos of our plays!

Big and Miranda
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